My goal this week for writing is to use language that is suitable to the topic, audience and purpose.
Hi welcome back to my blog I hope you enjoy today's blog post, This week for writing we learnt about blog posts and blog comments. We learnt what a blog post/blog comment needs, It was a lot of fun learning about blog posts. A good blog post/blog comment needs: A catchy title which is one of the most important things you need in a blog post because that would be the first thing the reader see's. You should also add your goal/learning intention. Next, a nice introduction/hi because that could make the blog more interesting. Write it in a specific order otherwise it could get confusing. For commenting you should complement the blogger by saying something nice and helpful. When your done with your blog post/blog comment you should ask a question because that could start a conversation. If/when you have finished your blog post/blog comment re read it.
Have you ever made a blog post using these?