
Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The essential guide to writing the perfect narrative writing text

Hi bloggers, welcome back to my blog! This week we have been continuing our narrative writing text we did last week. In a narrative text you should have adjectives, pronouns, nouns, onomatopoeia etc.  Also in a narrative you should have an orientation which is like a charter introduction, next is the problem, which is when something goes wrong in the story and last but not lest we have the solution. Here is an Example.

Have you ever made a narrative text before?

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fabulous maths

Hi bloggers, welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking about our math task for this week. This week for maths we did L3- say the number 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less. We had a choice of doing a screencastify, quiz, poster or a song. I chose to do a song with my friend Beth. It was fun but our faces looked kind of weird. Here is our song. 

Have you made a song about maths?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Magnificent writing

Hi bloggers, welcome back to my blog! Today I will be talking/typing about my writing create task for this week. This week we did not have a learning intention/goal because this task was for the whole hub.  We were meant to write a Narrative story using one of the pobble 365 prompts. I chose Lightning never strikes twice. It was out of the mirror in the attic, left behind and create from the deep. This is my work:Lightning never strikes twice.

Have you ever made a story using pobble 365?

Stunning maths that will hopefully help you learn

Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog! Today I will be shearing  my maths create that we did this week. This week our learning intention/goal was L3 - Read and understand decimals to 3 decimal places, and we were meant to make a screencastify about our new learning. It was new learning for me and was quit difficult for me but I think I got it I the end. This is my work.

Have you ever learnt about unit fractions?

Tips about staying smart online

Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog! Today I will be giving you tips about being smart online. Make sure you don't share your address because you could  robbed or hacked by people. Also make sure you don't give people your full name unless you trust someone etc. Here is an example of what you should and probably shouldn't share online, but it is your choice.

What would you share online?

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog! This week for maths we did a screencastify about L3 Round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000. I had a lot of fun making my screencatify. Here is my screencastify.

Have you made a screencastify?

The dos and don'ts of writing a email

Hi bloggers welcome back to my blog! Today I will be telling you about my reading this week. This week for reading we did a flipgrid about quality emails . Our learning intention/goal this week was L3 - make connections between texts and real life experiences.

This is what you need in a good email. 1. Greeting, the greeting is really important because they might not know who you are even if it say's your email name. Next is the body of the email. The body of the email is the reason why you are emailing the person. After that is the signature, the signature is your name. The last step is finishing off your email. The finishing off is when you say good bye to the person/people you are sending the email to. I hope you have enjoyed my blog post.

Do you enjoy writing emails?